Q. Which one of the following statements is not correct :
A In Potato, Banana, and Ginger, the plantlets arise from intenodes present in the modified stem.
B Offspring produced by asexual reproduction are called clone
C Microscopic, motile asexual reproductive structures are called zoospores
D Water Hyacinth, growing in standing water, drains oxygen from water that leads to death of fishes
Solution :
Correct Option : A A) In potato, banana, and ginger, the plantlets arise from nodes present in the modified stem. Tubers of potato are the underground modification of stem which stores starch. It has buds on the nodes which helps in the growth of new plant as these buds are meristematic in nature. The buds are also known as eye. Ginger is propagated by the rhizome. It is a underground stem modification. The terminal bud of rhizome may or may not grow into an aerial shoot. The stem is differentiated into nodes and internodes. Adventitious root occurs on the lower side. The plantlets arise from nodes present in the modified stem. Banana is propagated by inflorescence. The female flowers of the inflorescence present on the node of the true stem matures and develop into fruit without fertilization of gametes. So, the statement is false. B) Water hyacinth is an aquatic weed which is popularly known as the terror of Bengal because it grows very rapidly and eliminates the growth of several species and even eliminates them. Due to its voluminous growth in water bodies, it increases the biological oxygen demand of the water and leads to the death of aquatic life which also cause a major decrease in the biodiversity due to alien species invasion. The statement is true. C) Asexually developed plants are the clone of their own parents because of the fusion of gametes does not take place in vegetative propagation so there is no chance of recombination and variation. The parent cell divides to form daughter cell by mitosis due to which the offspring are genetically identical to the parent. The statement is true. D) A zoospore is a motile asexual spore that uses a flagellum for locomotion. The statement is true. So, the correct answer is option A.