Q. Which one of the following is surrounded by callose wall?
- Male gamete
- Pollen grain
- Egg
- Microspore mother cell
Solution :
Correct Option : D Callose is a plant polysaccharide. It plays an important role in different stages of development of plants. It is also present in cell wall of some plant cells. Callose synthase synthesizes callose. It is located on plasma membrane. Microspore mother cell is surrounded by callose wall. Each cell of the sporogenous tissue in a microsporangium acts as a potential pollen mother cell (PMC) or microspore mother cell. Microspore mother cell undergoes meiotic divisions to form cluster of four cells called microspore tetrad. On maturity, the anther dehydrates and the microspore separate from each other to form pollen grains. An internal layer of callose is developed around the microspore mother cells. It breaks the plasmodesmatal connections among themselves.