Q.Which of the following organisation is mainly related with AIDS ?

Q.Which of the following organisation is mainly related with AIDS ?

Q.Which of the following organisation is mainly related with AIDS ?

(a) RCH

(b) DOTS

(c) NACO


Solution : Correct option : C AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which attacks and weakens the immune system of the patient, he/she becomes vulnerable to opportunistic infections.. There is no permanent cure for HIV infection and the drugs used can only prolong life but cannot evade fatality. Thus prevention is the best possible way by which we can fight this disease. Awareness of the modes of transmission and possible effects of the disease helps an individual to make informed decisions about sexual relationships, avoiding drug abuse, avoiding risks of infection during surgeries or blood transfusions, etc. It also sensitizes people towards AIDS patients and prevents them from being alienated as the disease doesn’t spread through contact or proximity.
In India, the awareness of AIDS is being spread mainly by the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and other non-governmental organisations. Some of the steps taken by NACO to prevent and control the spread of AIDS are:
Blood safety program – ensuring organised blood banking services at state/district level, etc
Sensitizing people for using condoms as a preventive step against HIV and STD.
Convincing commercial sex workers and their clients about the importance of using condoms to prevent HIV transmission and distributing free condoms.
Creating a supportive environment for the care and rehabilitation of HIV infected persons.
Promoting practices such as avoiding multi partner sex, using condoms, sterilization of needles/syringes and voluntary donation of blood.
The WHO has marked 1st December to be celebrated as World AIDS Day to raise awareness against AIDS. Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) regulates the research on genetic engineering in India and monitors the safety of introducing genetically modified organisms for public services. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is associated with the framing, coordination and development of biomedical research. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research is the largest research and development organization in India that conducts research in a wide array of various fields such as – environmental science, metallurgy, chemicals, life sciences, mining, food, petroleum, etc.

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