Q. Which of the following is done during ringing experiment?
(a) Bark is removed.
(b) Xylem is removed.
(c) Pith is removed.
(d) All of these.
Solution :
Correct option : A Ringing experiment is a strategy in which the outer tissues (bark) of a stem are detached, and leaving only the xylem and pith unharmed. Water transportation towards the stem is undisrupted, but transportation of food down from the leaves is stops at the ring in this process. Swelling can be noticed just above the cut because of the accumulation of organic solutes that came from higher parts of the tree and could not longer continue downward due to the disruption of phloem. Finally the cut below the girdle died because it no longer receive food or sugar from the leaves. Sooner, the roots and the entire tree will die.