Q. Read the following statement having two blanks (A and B) :
“A drug used for —-(A)—-patients is obtained from a species of the organism_____ B____. The one correct option for the two blanks is :
Blank -A Blank-B
(a) AIDS Pseudomonas (b) Heart Penicillium (c) Organ-transplant Trichoderma (d) Swine flu Monascus
Solution : Correct option : C A) Penicillium is an antibiotic and is not related to heart patients.
B) Trichodermapolysporum is a fungus that is used to produce the drug cyclosporine which is used to overcome rejection reactions after organ translplants.
C) Monascuspurpureus is a yeast from which statins are produced which acts as a clot buster and controls cholesterol levels. It is not related to swine flu. D) Pseudomonas is an infection causing bacteria. AIDS is caused by a virus.
So the correct answer is ‘A-organ-transplant, B-Trichoderma’.