Q. Carnivorous plants catch the insects in order to fulfil_____ requirement :
(a) Phosphorus
(b) Sulphur
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Hydrogen
Solution :
Correct option : C The plants which derive most of their nutrition by capturing and consuming animals such as insects and arthropods are known as carnivorous animals. They are also known as insectivorous plants. Such plants are mostly found in damp heaths, swamps, muddy and sandy shores where water is abundant and nitrogenous materials are often scarce or unavailable because of acid or other unfavourable soil conditions. Thus to meet their nitrogen requirement, they have adapted to develop trapping mechanisms which is a modified leaf. For example, pitfall traps in pitcher plants employ a hollow lidded leaf filled with liquid to digest prey. Other examples of insectivorous plants include, Drosera, Utricularia and Venus fly trap.